Sunday, June 01, 2003

The annoying guy on the train. . . Me

love being the guy on the train with the loud music. The guy that is sitting there, music blaring, oblivious to all but his music. Yeah, that was me tonight. Totally by accident. I was moving stuff around in my bag when I bumped the volume knob. 'Twas alright though, it was good ol' Meatloaf music. So I didn't mind. When I looked up from straightening my stuff, I noticed ppl kept looking over at me, giving me the look. It was then that I realized I was that guy. The one that annoys everyone. I just smiled, closed my eyes, and leaned back. Letting them enjoy the wondrous music that was Bat out of Hell. *laugh* I am going to have to do it more often.

I have that song, Dream Police - Cheap Trick stuck in my head right now. I love it. The chorus is just going round and round in my mind.

I love being paid 3 times in one month. It makes life so much more wonderful, and so much easier to save money for school. Though it seems as though the moment I put some money away, some essential item will become needed, dentist, orthotics, groceries. I hope to one day, be the kind of person that Topher and I were talking about. About being able to complain about the price of luxuries, as opposed to the price of groceries, or transportation, or basic medical care. I don't want to have to worry that the price of bananas have gone up 10 cents/lb. Or that chicken is only 10.39/kg as opposed to last week when it was 9.50/kg.

Though why I complain about the price of produce, when I can get a cucumber and a head of lettuce for less than the price of a SuperValue meal at McDonalds, and get far more meals out of the deal. Something is wrong there.

Time for bed, tomorrow I tell the ladies that this is my final week that I will be gracing them with my presence. *sigh* Here goes nothing...

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