Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Nathan East

I went and saw this amazing bass player tonight. His name is Nathan East. He's played for EVERYONE! He started playing with Barry White, and he wrote the bass line fo Eric Clapton's Layla, and co-wrote Easy Lover with Phil Collins. He did lots of stuff with Elton John and Michael Jackson, and so many other cool people.
He was so amazing!
I want to play like him one day.


jo said...

hey, what happened to my part of your profile? you are not the job, my dear. you're mine ;)

requiem said...

Co-writing easy lover is not an accomplishment. The rest of the work he's done... wow!

one smarmy mama said...

my dad's a bass player............he's got to meet Nathan East a plethora of times....apparently, a very very nice man.