Saturday, October 14, 2006


the shitty thing about when you stay at home all day, don't go out, don't really do a whole heck of a lot, is when it comes time for bed, it doesn't feel right. there's no winding down. it's like the day just ends. it's weird.

oh, and yeah, ragheads is a lousy word to use to describe someone. not cool, i shouldn't have one that. and it does suck to be a civilian over there right now. heck, all the time. the wars don't end there. but if/when it comes down to it, i'm rooting for my brother.

1 comment:

one smarmy mama said...

I'm rooting for him too. There is nothing in the world I hate more right now than knowing more and more people who have to be in Iraq. It scares me.