Monday, March 12, 2007


It has been a long time since I've gone to a friends and brought my toys with me. And then when I leave, to have to pack up my toys and go. Don't get me wrong, great fun was had, but it was as I was walking out, box of miniatures in hand, that I thought to myself how weird it felt going over to play and bringing my own toys. It seemed so foreign, yet so very comfortable.

Trevor is home today. Well he should be anyway. He was supposed to come in this morning at 5am, after a week at a 5 star resort, and 5 months in the stinky country of Afghanistan. It doesn't seem like he's been gone 5 months. But then again I only ever saw him every other month anyway, and when he first joined the army I don't think I saw him for like 10 months, so... /shrug. Not a huge deal on my end. A little bigger to my parents, and his little girlfriend. But then if you've been following this for the past 5 months, you'd know that. ;)

I quit Tim Horton's on the weekend. Well, I quit last week, Saturday just happened to be my last day. One of the owners wouldn't even say hi, and the other one said I'm welcome back anytime. So we'll see how things go with life, and maybe after the wedding and the traveling and whether I get a raise or not, I might go back. We'll see. The people were great to work with, and the job is decent. The management was horrible though, and I just don't have the time right now.

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