Friday, April 24, 2009

Fat naked dude tasered

Naked Wizard Tased By Reality from Tracy Anderson on Vimeo.
(video is not safe for work unless no one cares if you watch videos with tubby naked dudes)
So it's kind of a long video, but it's rather amusing.
I would have called the video, "Tubby man with little penis gets tasered by three fatass cops."

Now normally I'm on the cops side, but this time I gotta say it wasn't handled in the best way. I think the main reason for that is that it was 3 fatass cops. Seriously, they fit the stereotype perfectly. I could see them sitting in their car, powdered sugar down their shirts and an open box of donuts between them.

After realizing that they were going to have to use force to get him out of there, they should have expedited the process and got him out of there. Arm behind the back, baton to the back of the knees, onto the ground and cuff him. There were three of them for pete's sake!

All in all it is a hilarious video, but I wish the cops didn't perpetuate the stereo-type of inefficient, overweight cops.


selfrequiem said...

Giving tazers to lazy enforcers = lots of people getting tazed.

I get tired of CBC talking about cops and tazers because I can't see how you can support the position anymore that they should have them. They use them too much. There are so many examples. They have shown the capacity for abuse is too great.

Plus, how are these lazy cops going to learn/practice talking with the public when they don't have to anymore (short of: "do what I say or I will taze you")?

Nathan said...

@SelfRequiem, I agree that tazer's + lazy people = bad news, but, if I was in a situation where I needed to be taken down by the cops, I'd personally prefer the tazer to the baton, that thing will break you arm, leg, head, whatever it's bad news.

After watching this video though, those three cops should be ashamed of themselves, they had the guy on the ground and should have had the cuffs on him then. Also, that tazering went on for far too long.

christopher said...

Originally I figured tazers in the hands of cops would be a good thing, and maybe lessen the number of real shootings.
Now whether that has happened or not, I'm not sure, but they are definitely being abused.