Thursday, July 30, 2009


So I've been using Twitter for some time now, but have used two different accounts. @twistedxtian was my "christian" account. I used it mostly for following christian folk and stirring up shit.
@xiolo was my other account where I followed people that fit with all the other aspects of my life, bass playing, gardening, bowhunting, fishing, etc...

I decided that it was a pain having two accounts and today combined them all into my @twistedxtian account. I've also put a feed on my blog.

Oh, and please pardon the blog template. I'm having some issues.


WiseGuy said...

Love your current template! You make mine look excellent.

P.S. This comment was from my evil side. :-)

WiseGuy said...

Yes...I did get the invite from the @twistedxtian...and promptly hooked to it.

P.S. ...from the last post of yours...I am very sorry for your loss, and my wishes go out to Kate's family. I hope they find the strength.