Sunday, September 13, 2009


I can officially say I'm not much of a football fan.

I went to my second-ever CFL game today, and I must say that it was a bit of a snoozefest. Seriously, 5-10 seconds of action followed by minutes of boring inaction, during which the clock is stopped, so it isn't even like time is still counting down so that the game will end already.

Sure the action is kind of interesting, and mildly exciting, but it just doesn't balance out.

That and it doesn't help when the home team loses 55-10. lol

It amazes me at the number of people in my life that love football. NFL or CFL, there's this love for the game that I just don't understand. Maybe someone can explain to me what I'm missing.

Then again, I don't tend to get into most sporting events. I laugh at those people that sit in the bleachers, and in their armchairs, saying how dumb the coach is for calling such-and-such a play, and what a shitty throw that was and how so-and-so could do better, or heck, even they could do better. I've never understood that attitude.


Nathan said...

Chris, I can totally understand your position. Sports are so much better to watch when you understand the game, not only the general concepts, but rule intricacies, and it takes it to a new level when you understand tactics.

I think you know, but I love football (huzzah for NFL opening day).

Saying that, yesterday's game was painful. Ugh!!

WiseGuy said...

LOLOL...I completely agree...Cricket is a religion here and me and hubby really fail to grasp the craziness that surrounds the game!