Wednesday, January 11, 2006

All Done

I officially quit EVerquest 2 today. Said my good-byes, cancelled my account. It's all done. Saying goodbye was actually quite difficult, moreso than I thought it would be. I almost cried (almost). Laugh all you want, but I've made friends on there. You talk to, interact with, play with the same people everyday, be there in real life or in a game, and you develop a bond, a friendship. I'm going to miss it.
Already, in the 3 weeks or so that I haven't been playing, I've noticed a rather large hole in my life. I'm used to coming home everyday, firing up my computer, playing for an hour or so, eating supper, playing for another couple of hours, talking to jo and going to bed. And sometimes sneaking in a few extra minutes after I talk to Mama Bean before going to sleep. My weekends would be spent sitting in front of my computer. 6 to 10 hours, sometimes more each day.
Now that it is gone, I feel lost. I have other things to do. I've read more in the past 2 weeks than I have in the previous 8 months, but things still don't feel right. I miss it. I long for it. I think I'm going into withdrawl. As sad as that is. I gave it up once before, back in January, but I knew I was going to go back. I knew, as soon as school was done, it was inevitable. I was going to play again. This time I'm not. I can't. It was interfering with my relationship with the woman I love, it was getting in the way of any sort of social life. It was just getting in the way of my RL (real life). I don't regret the time I spent playing it, but it's time to move on. As weird as that is going to be...


Requiem said...

Good for you, man. It is good to commit to ending your destructive behaviour publicly becuase you're more likely to succeed with the added social pressure.

BTW, I noticed you removed the part about Everquest from your profile. Right on. Fresh start.

Twodragons said...

I hear you, it can be a tough thing to go without that which you become acustomed.

Your feelings are normal, as many before and after you will feel the same. Slowly you will come to realize the value the game has, or in this case, HAD.

Other things will slowly come into focus and gain value. These things are important to grab onto, but not obsess about.

Meaning, don't grab the first thing that satiates you as a means of "letting go" of your previous obsession. Nurture it, care for it, love it. And in the classic song line, if you love it, let it go, for it will come back to you.

Check my latest post on my blog for a great site concerning gaming addiction.

Stay strong, love your life.