Tuesday, May 05, 2009

2 years

Do you know what today is?

I do.

And do you know what that means?

That means I am not one of those men that forget their wives anniversaries.

That’s right, today is the 2nd anniversary with my beautiful, wonderful, amazing, smart, funny, awesome wife.

2 years ago we exchanged vows on the happiest day of our lives. And the past 2 years have been some of the best times of my life.

Mama Bean is the best wife I could have ever asked for.

She has supported me through a million different career changes, and school changes, and all the other flip-flop decisions I have made through all these years. My blog is a testament to this.

She has also moved with me to a city completely foreign to her, sight unseen.

She is someone I can share inside jokes with, and be a goof with.

She is someone I can go canoeing with, and put furniture together with, and build a garden with. And it doesn't put any strain on our marriage.

She is someone I can watch sappy movies with, and cry in front of.

She is my wife and I love her. She is the woman I pledged to spend the rest of my life with and I've never once looked back on that decision with anything but happiness.

We’ve been together for almost 8 years, since June 2001. Which is pretty friggin amazing, especially since 3 of those years were long distance while she was in school in another country. Seriously, how did we do that? Probably because we love each other so much. ;)

I like to think I'm a pretty great husband, and I try hard to make sure I stay that way. I want to be a better husband. Every year I want to look back and think that I'm a better husband now than I was a year ago.

Soon I'm going to be a dad. A husband and a dad. I'm going to love my wife as much as I love bean (and the bean after.) ;)

Today is my anniversary. Two glorious years with a beautiful talented woman and I’m looking forward to many more.

Happy Anniversary Jo. I love you.


The Best's said...

Hey! I kept meaning all day yesterday to write Happy Anniversary somewhere and somehow didn't get to it. So Happy Anniversary! Hope your day was great!! Did you do anything exciting?

I have a little question about your post which was so very sweet! You wrote "That means I am not one of those men that forget their wives anniversaries" Isn't a anniversary both the husbands and wives not just the wives?

christopher said...

Of course it should be, but stereotypes say it isn't. :)

My anniversary is the most important day of the year.

Mama Bean had to work late last night, so we didn't do much yesterday. We are going out on Friday though. It won't be as fun as Jubilation's with you guys though. :D