Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Hands Off?

While this image might address something that is important (i really don't know, ask me in 5 months) but right now it makes me laugh, and I hope I'm never that kind of parent.


SkippyMom said...

This makes me laugh. Who does this?

I can honestly say that the only time my children ever became sick [before going to school] was when I worked and they were in daycare.
And they rarely get sick from school now.

They never, ever became sick because people [family, friends, strangers? Is THAT who the sign is for?] anyway when people handled them.

I doubt you and Mama Bean will be anything like that. :)

C Lo said...

One time (I think it was on passiveagressivenotes.com) I saw a picture of some "welcome baby" party where they had a "wash hands before touching baby" signs ALL OVER THE DAMN HOUSE. And I'm like "Uhm, you had your baby in a HOSPITAL! A DEN of disease, then out into public, in a car, and then into your home with dozens of people and NOW you're worried about germs? REALLY!???"

People are insane. Truly.

The Captain's Wife said...

I will admit...I require everyone to wash there hands when they want to handl my daughter. Sorry, but I wash my hands, and I know where they have been. I have NO idea where yours have been.

People pick their noses, scratch their butts, touch filthy money...I don't want their grubby hands near my baby.

Sorry, but I kinda like that sign! Maybe I'll buy one for my stroller :)

C Lo said...

Captains Wife

You'll probably get over it in another 6 months or so. :P

And.......you *do* know that most viruses and disease are airborne, right? Washing hands is good practice but it's certainly not the end all be all of keeping your child safe.

And, I must concur with the brilliant skippy mom........my two oldest kids were actually in daycare while I worked and got pretty sick for their first few months there. We're ALL healthy as horses now and probably each get truly ill once a year, if that. My 10 year old has been to the doctor for a serious illness probably 1 time in the past three years. Somethin' to think about. You're not doing your kid any favors when they end up in school and THEN they get sick all the time, not to mention what a PITA it is when your kid misses more than a day of school these days. OY!

christopher said...

hehe, i'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks it is a little weird.

i also saw the pic on passiveaggressivenotes.com! that's what got me thinking about it. :)

i think our society is a little overprotective on the protection from germs front for kids. when are they going to build up their immune systems if they aren't exposed to anything?

though part of me also understands where the captains wife is coming from. when bean is born it's going to be hard not to be what i now consider over protective.

the joys of being a first time parent right? :)

The Captain's Wife said...

I am not opposed to exposing my child to germs in any way. Hell I had her out in public places when she was 3 days old, we went to family parties when she was only a week and a half, I brought her into my office when she was 3 weeks old, etc...But really, peoples hands are just nasty.