Thursday, May 28, 2009

It's going to be...

We're having a Boy! Well, we are pretty sure anyway. We had an ultrasound yesterday morning, and it was the coolest thing in the entire world. Seriously. It was so awesome. He's just floating around in there, spinning around, moving his little arms and legs, just hanging out. And you know what? I did that. Him. Because of me. Seriously, how cool is that?!? It's awesome. I'm excited.

So yeah, we are having a little bean. Some people choose not to share, but screw that, I'm having a little boy! I don't think we'll share the name though(when we eventually choose one). Skippymom and C Lo had some good advice in a comment a couple of posts back about that. It is really easy to judge a name when it isn't attached to anything but the concept of a child. It might not be a concept to me, but it is to everyone else. People are less likely to judge a name when it is attached to an actual baby and they have a point of reference for it.

So there you have it. We're having a cute little baby boy, and I couldn't be happier.


C Lo said...

aw, so fun. I'm glad you got the gist of what I was trying to say......yes, exactly thats it. People find it easier to judge a "concept" than a person. Yes, that.

how's Jo?

SkippyMom said...

YIPPPPPPPEEEEEE! YAY! Ultrasounds are cool, arne't they?

I am so happy for you [and would've been just as excited for a girl :) ]

Hope everything "looked" good and I am really excited for you.

Baby blue quilt time! YAY! Hugs to you both.

tomi said...

Awesome and congratulations! :)

The Captain's Wife said...

Congrats!! Isn't it completely amazing that you made him? Just wait till he is here and you are holding him, rocking back and forth, looking in his big will feel so hold this beautiful person that you created.

Couldn't be happier for you. Will you be sharing a photo of your bean?

christopher said...

Thanks! It's so exciting!

No, there'll be no photos until after the birth. They charge for the photo's so we decided not to pay for them. (we're cheap like that).
Besides, they all look the same at 20 weeks. ;)

In Due Time said...


Our boy name is Soren Miles. Soren is German (SO is 1/2 German) and Miles is SO's dad's name. It sounds a bit like an airline name but I love it and couldnt care less what others think. Heh!

Nathan said...

big congratulations to you