Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Congrats to my Jo!

I love having a job that I enjoy. It makes life SO much better. I am not sure whether it is just because I started, and am not yet bored of it, but I am not sure. I really hope not. The feeling of having your co-workers appreciate your work and their genuine happiness upon arrival. It is wonderful. It doesn't pay shit, but right now I don't really care. It is just so nice to have a job that I actually enjoy. I don't have to wake up super early, it is easy work, good company. The comraderie is nice. It is such a tight knit community. Oh, and the gossip...*laugh* I have never seen so many ppl gossiping. About each other, about clients... It is great fun. My boss, Mark, kicks ass. He is so much fun. There are only 3 Canadians, of the 14 ppl on staff. I am the only one who cannot speak more than just english. Tina is from Nairobi, Gilda is from Iran, Ghenet is from some little tribe in africa, then from israel, Mark is from quebec, Minoru is from Japan, Natalya is from Kzacistan, Carrie is from canada, I am not sure where, she doesn't talk much, Gerry is this old woman from somewhere, I think the states, maybe toronta. Karyn is from England/Canada, she is a lesbian. She kicks ass, she is my favorite. She waxed my eyebrows last week, it was interesting. I think Mama Bean will like her, they seem similar, cept for the whole sexuality thing. Reshma is from....umm....india I think? i can't remember. I know she did live in england after she left there, wherever, and all 3 of her boys go to manchester university. Krystyna is this little lady from eastern europe, she thinks I am just the cutest little thing. It is quite amusing. Olga is from russia. She doesn't speak very good english. She just turned 48 on Fri, though she doesn't look it. Karyn is 43, and she looks like she is in her 30's. Gilda is in her 30's and she looks like mid 20's. So confusing. Everyone there is over 30. Then after olga there is Joseph. He is Italian. He has been working in this salon for 33 yrs, and has some clients that have been coming since he first started. I think that is all. It is quite the collection. *laugh* It keeps life very interesting. "Well, in my country..."

I think I am going to enjoy working here.

Well it is for certain now. Mama Bean is going to Palmer. Yeah! Mixed emotions here. I am really happy for her. It is awesome that she got accepted and she can go on and do that which she wants to do. It is awesome. It is also kinda sad. Merely on a selfish level. It means she is leaving. I think up until now I have harboured thoughts that maybe she wouldn't get in, or maybe she would decide to do something else...or i dunno. Totally selfish thoughts. Very insignificant back-of-the-mind-thoughts. I can't be selfish about Jo, it isn't healthy for our relationship. I learned that. It is going to be quite the experience. Her moving halfway across the continent. It is going to be fun. Tough, but fun. Yay for Jo! That's my baby! *big hug* I am really happy for her, for us.


I guess I am really happy that she made it in. Yeah, I will miss her, and yeah, I still don't know what the fuck I am doing. (Not working somewhere that is going to pay enough money to save to go to school, let alone pay off my loans anytime soon. *sigh*) Yeah, I am glad she got in. *smile* She gets to move out, experience life on her own. And I am the lucky guy that gets to stand by her side, albeit from way over here. But that is alright. I will go see her regularly.

I am getting better at this whole missing her thing. I still miss her when she goes away, but it isn't as intense and crippling. I didn't even cry when she left fro Vancouver last week. Yes there were tears in my eyes, but none of them broke the barrier. *smile* Yay!

I am pissed off that I missed the Missions Fest in Edmonton this weekend. I really wanted to go. I don't know why. I don't believe in short term missions unless it is to educate ppl that want to go on long term missions. And I don't want to do that, so I don't know what has piqued my interest so much. *shrug*

I have been really missing school lately. The ppl, the classes, even the sitting in the bathroom and talking to the guys while taking a shit. I just talked to Alastair tonight. It was really nice. I hadn't talked to him since I left.

I really miss talking to Sam. She is not doing bery well, and seems to be getting depressed. I hope things begin to look up for her. I hate seeing her like this.

I love how I start writing on here, and I just start rambling. So I am going to cut it short here.



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