Monday, April 27, 2009


Skippy Mom wrote a post about chores that got me reminiscing about my childhood, something I do more and more since realizing in about 6 months I'm going to be a dad.

Growing up we had weekly and daily chores. Daily chores consisted of dishes (we didn't use the dishwasher), sweeping and wiping the table. Being that I have 2 brothers, we'd rotate through them. For awhile it was daily and then eventually went to a weekly rotation.

Then there were Saturday mornings. While most kids were watching Saturday Morning Cartoons, we who had no cable, did chores. Now I'm sure most kids have to do chores, but that didn't make it any easier, especially since I don't think my friends actually did. As far back as I can remember (maybe 8 or 9), this was a weekly occurance. Chores would generally have to be done by like 9 or 10, though when we started swimming on Saturday mornings from 6 or 7 until 9, they'd have to be done before lunch.

Chores consisted of cleaning the bathroom, sweeping the floors and vacuuming, and dusting. We would rotate through these on a monthly basis. Most of my friends had chores like making their bed, and cleaning their rooms, chores that I never understood since that was just something we had to do; beds made every morning and our rooms kept clean. And, we'd clean up our toys after playing with them, inside or outside. This is what I remember anyway, my parents might have a different story, I'll have to ask them.

Cleaning the bathroom involved sweeping the floor, cleaning the tub, toilet and sink, cleaning the mirrors and taps, and washing the floor. Sweeping and vacuuming involved sweeping all of the floors and vacuuming all of the rugs (including taking the end off and doing all the edges), we lived in like a 1000sq.ft trailer, so it wasn't a ton. And dusting was done with a wet cloth and involved wiping down all the shelves, and surfaces in the living room and bedrooms. I think my mom would do a pre-check and pay attention to key things, and if there wasn't anything I swear she'd plant stuff. Like a piece of fuzz in the corner on the rug to ensure we vacuumed all of the corners.

Chores were just a part of being part of the family. Our allowance wasn't based on them, they were just something that had to be done every week.I remember I HATED doing chores. They always took soooooooo long, and they just sucked to do. For some reason I have held onto this to this day and still despise cleaning, though when I get going I get a lot done.

So I start thinking about how we are going to raise our kids, and do things like chores.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


When I go out with friends, and drinking is involved, especially if I have my own, or someone elses, and I'm not paying an exorbitant amount at the bar, I find it very difficult to drink it moderation. I just want to get shit-faced. It is as though my whole body is longing for that feeling of absolute pure stupid drunkeness the is just before the drop off into puking. Even then puking just means I can keep drinking. Especially when it's something yummy like Malibu or Jagermeister.

I don't think this is a good thing.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Daddy Blog 24/04/09

Jo's been suffering from a lot of morning sickness for the past couple of months, though it has been much better for the past couple of weeks since she started taking diclectin.

I had 3 different people send me this article earlier this week saying that women that suffer from morning sickness have smarter kids. :D

And for the record, "morning sickness" is a very misleading term. Mama Bean was sick morning, noon and night. So for any of you people without kids yet, it isn't "morning sickness," it is all-day nausea. :)

Fat naked dude tasered

Naked Wizard Tased By Reality from Tracy Anderson on Vimeo.
(video is not safe for work unless no one cares if you watch videos with tubby naked dudes)
So it's kind of a long video, but it's rather amusing.
I would have called the video, "Tubby man with little penis gets tasered by three fatass cops."

Now normally I'm on the cops side, but this time I gotta say it wasn't handled in the best way. I think the main reason for that is that it was 3 fatass cops. Seriously, they fit the stereotype perfectly. I could see them sitting in their car, powdered sugar down their shirts and an open box of donuts between them.

After realizing that they were going to have to use force to get him out of there, they should have expedited the process and got him out of there. Arm behind the back, baton to the back of the knees, onto the ground and cuff him. There were three of them for pete's sake!

All in all it is a hilarious video, but I wish the cops didn't perpetuate the stereo-type of inefficient, overweight cops.

TC Post on Miss California

Last weekend at the Miss USA contest, Miss California was asked her views on gay marriage, to which she replied that marriage is between a man and a woman. A former Miss California and current pastor responded to those remarks, what I linked to over on Twisted Christian.

Small Groups

Mama Bean and I had a wonderful small group in Calgary, and I found they are what I miss most after my family. It was a guaranteed time every week that we would get to hang out with friends.

When we moved here I really missed them, and the weekly get-together.

At the first church we started to attend, there were about 200 people, but it wasn't super welcoming. We made friends after we started to attend their bi-weeklyish small group (which I dubbed medium group because it was like 15 people), but that connection was just missing at church. We were slowly starting to make friends, but it just wasn't right.

So we switched churches, and have been attending Central Baptist since January, where we started making connections on the very first Sunday. 2 months ago we started a small group with 2 other couples, and it's been a lot of fun. It is a good couple of hours every Wednesday evening to sit and discuss spiritual topics, and the Bible. Relationships are growing, and we are connecting with other people.

Mama Bean has also been attending a ladies group, which she can't anymore because of work, but she's even going on a women's retreat this weekend. If you had asked me 5 years ago if I could see Mama Bean going on a women's retreat I would have said no. But we are all growing up, and now I have a weekend to myself. What I'm going to do, I don't know. Probably be lost and alone. :)

So small groups are great. Get one or start one and watch the relationships grow.

Monday, April 20, 2009

TC Post on Tracts

Do Christian tracts make you sad? They make me sad...

Tracts make me sad

Sunday, April 19, 2009

TC Post on the spiritual leader of the household

Last night I wrote a post on what it means to be the spiritual leader of the household.

Now it might sound a little more “Normal Christian”, and less “Twisted Christian”, but I think that is alright. Everything isn’t going to be “twisted” and there are going to be lots of things that I agree with. I didn’t want to focus on all the stupid shit people have done under the guise of being the spiritual leader of the household. When I say we should lead as Jesus lead, that should sum it up nicely, but unfortunately it doesn’t always work that way. When I say we shouldn’t impart our will upon our family because God has given us ALL free will, that part is skimmed over. We can’t we understand the importance and role of being the spiritual leader without getting into what it isn’t?

So that’s what I tried to do and if it lacks power or conviction because of that, then I apologize.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Flood Pictures from Winnipeg

Mama Bean and I went out taking pictures of the flood over on Ness Ave just a few blocks from the school I work at and at The Forks.
Pictures Here

Friday, April 17, 2009

Welcome to Winnipeg in the Spring of 2009!

Here's a little 13 picture slideshow to give you an idea of what it's looking like out here. Note that the giant lakes of water are normally farmers fields, and the river is typically about half that width.

It isn't affecting the majority of Winnipegers, mostly just those close to the river. There's been sandbagging at about 100 homes inside the city. There was a big call for sandbaggers from Tues through Thursday, and hundreds went out and volunteered their time.

They are calling this the 3rd worst flood in the last 100 years with the one in 1950 and 1997 being worse. this time though there is a much improved flood-way allowing for the displacement of a huge amount of water which protects the city.

The nice thing is that that levels peaked yesterday and will now start receding.

Here are a couple of links to articles about the flood.

From the Vancouver Sun "More evacuations as Manitoba flood continues to rise"

And from the Winnipeg Free Press' Flood Watch.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Daddy Blog 30/03/09

Daddy Blog from Monday, March 30, 2009

Two more days and we can start telling people. It's pretty exciting. I've been looking forward to it since we first found out. My cousin Kendall and his wife Tessa are due about the same time as us, but they told everyone a few weeks back, and I have a few other cousins that are also pregnant right now. It's kinda funny. I guess that is what happens when you have a family as large as mine, but I was always disconnected from it all being in Calgary, while they are all out here.

There are a few people that already know outside of our immediate family, but not many; we've done well at keeping it a secret. But for no longer! :) So yay!

people read my stuff?

It is a very weird feeling to have someone you don't know read something you have written. For me anyway.

Earlier this week I wrote a post on abortion over at Twisted Christian. A touchy subject at the best of times, but an article I recently read touched a vein so I decided to write on it. What better way to start off a blog about Christians that don't fit the mold then to write about a topic like abortion.

So wrote a little post on the subject, and the article, and tried to remain composed and semi-intelligent about the subject. I wavered a bit at the end when I let some emotion spill over, but otherwise I think it is pretty decent. I look at it and think about all the things that I would change, like keeping a consistent theme, and maybe splitting it into two parts, one being about the blessing, and one being about love. And I think about how I would have reworded it and whatnot. I can be a bit of a perfectionist at times, which I don't think is necessarily a bad thing.

So after I posted it, someone who reads my blog linked to it in her blog. This resulted in someone else linking to it from yet another blog; each with their own story or comments. When I saw that other people were reading what I wrote I instantly got butterflies in my stomach. REAL PEOPLE are reading what I wrote. Not that people that normally read my stuff aren't real, but this is what I wanted. I wanted to write things that would cause others to think and also write about it.

TC Post on Lenten Sacrifices

So if we give up something for Lent that has been interfering with our relationship with God, wouldn't it make sense that we continue to give it up following Lent?
Read more on Twisted Christian

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The positive side of the recession

Apparently the recession is good for the marriage. Fewer people can afford to go out, so they have more time to spend with their loved ones and aren't out gallavanting. Fewer people can afford divorces, and since they can't afford to go out, they spend more time together, and learn to enjoy it (again). So since fewer people are cheating on one another, and spending more time with their significant other, we should find an increase in the number of children during and following the recession, which is great for the economy.

I learned this from some dude on the radio today, and thought it was interesting.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

TC Post about abortion being a blessing?

I found an sermon by a minister in the US that says abortion is a blessing. More on that over at (which hopefully by tomorrow, will link to, since that was the original purpose)

Daddy Blog 17/03/09

Daddy Blog from Tuesday, March 17, 2009

We had our first meeting with the midwife today. A midwife! How awesome is that? I think it's awesome. We're going to have a home birth, barring any complications. She seems like a really cool lady, and we are excited about it. It's cool to be completely in control of the process. We get to make the decisions. We won't be pressured into doing things we don't want to, and we'll be given all the advice and support we need. We are very excited.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Daddy Blog 27/02/09

Daddy Blog from Friday, February 27, 2009

I've been frequenting a number of parenting websites lately, and reading about the various things that are piquing the interest of parents, and what they are getting excited and/or being pissed off about. One thing that has caught my attention is the ever-widening divide between those parents that say we should vaccinate our children, and those that are opposed. Both sides have their pros, both sides have their cons, both sides lie and try to cover up the pros of the opposite side.

We have been accepted by a mid-wife! This means we are going to be having a home-birth, barring any complications. It's so awesome. we watched The Business of Being Born, and it gave us a really good idea of how things work, and we decided we want to do it at home. Not a big fan of the water birth, it's kinda gross. :)

Whiny Teachers

When I started my new job with the school division my respect for teachers grew exponentially. But the more time I spend with them, the more my respect for them starts to drop. Seriously, I have never heard anyone bitch and moan more about their jobs than teachers. It is a constant gripe fest. "We are over worked and underpaid." "We work too hard." "We need more prep time." They bitch about the kids, they bitch about the admin, they bitch about each other, and I'm sure they bitch about me too.

I've done a lot of different jobs, in many different industries. I've worked with people who work a hell of a lot harder, for less money, in shittier conditions than teachers that bitch less.

I love the teachers I work with, and that I'm friends with. I'm just saying that it gets old, though for the record, the teachers that I am friends with don't complain as much as those I work with.

No Right

I over-heard some teachers talking in the staff room today, and it pissed me off.

Overheard in the staffroom today, a woman telling a story about her spring break trip to Cuba and bitching that the people down there don't speak English. Umm...what?

Now people in Canada bitch all the time about immigrants that don't speak English, and that's fine. I agree that if you are going to move to a foreign country that you should be able to speak the language. But you have NO RIGHT to go on vacation to another country and bitch and complain that they cannot speak your language.

Daddy Blog 26/02/09

Daddy Blog from Thursday, February 26, 2009

My parents finally got the package with the suprise bib in it, but the idiots I ordered it from addressed it to me, so I got an email from my mom asking if I had mistakenly had something shipped there that I had ordered. So I had to call and explain to them that it was for them and have them open it. So it lost some of its impact, but it was still pretty awesome. They were both beyond shocked, and it made me laugh. We called and told Jo's parents and brothers today along with my brothers. Lots of happy people for us, which feels nice.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

More writing

I've been working on some things for my Twisted Christian blog. My goal is to update it at least weekly, though more often would be ideal.

Daddy Blog 05/04/09

The thought of having a baby scares me. Actually, I'm not scared of having a baby. I'm scared of having a little person. The part after they leave the baby stage. I can handle the baby stage, it's the part after that that worries me.

Intense Friendships

Our church is a place where inense relationships exist, though I think that is a part of small church culture. Today we announced to our church family that we are pregnant, which brought a round of congratulations following the service. It also brought out the amazingness that is our church. We had a couple of offers of baby stuff, stroller, crib, clothes, etc... We've only been attending this church for just over 3 months and there is this amazing outpour of love. Now that is what church is all about.

This brings up another thing, the topic of "we" when referring to pregnancy. I keep referring to the pregnancy as Mama Bean being pregnant, and Mama Bean is due in October. Mama Bean asked me about it, and it seems weird to say, "We are pregnant" or "We are expecting and due in October." I think that is the proper terminology, but it feels funny to say. But I think I'll warm up to it. It's cool to think that we're pregnant, not just Jo. :)

Daddy Blog 24/02/09

Daddy Blog from Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Since finding out we are pregnant, my mind has been racing a mile-a-minute about a million different things. Everything from how to be a super-supportive loving husband throughout the pregnancy, to researching home or hospital delivery and midwife or OB/GYN, to types of pre-natal classes and things like hypnobirthing and the effects of fetal ultrasounds. Are we going to vaccinate and what are the arguments either way? What do I need to do as a soon-to-be father? So many things. So I joined a bunch of forums, have been researching lots of the above, and reading the book I bought.

Two of the big things that have been consuming my research are home or hospital birthing, and vaccinations. We watched "The business of being born," which I coincidentally downloaded a few weeks before we even found out, just because I figured it was something important to know about for future reference. While being very one-sided, it opened my eyes to the whole process. Mama Bean and I would love to have a home birth with a midwife, but when we called the 4 midwifery places in town, they all had waiting lists. Hopefully since ours is so long away we'll get accepted.

Mama Bean had her first Dr. appt last Thursday with blood work and stuff and did a second pee test which confirmed everything. She's going for the big workup and exam and everything this Thursday.

To vaccinate or not has also been a big thing that I've been looking at. What suprised me the most when I first delved into the issues was how militant everyone is about the topic. And it is both sides, not just one or the other. They both think that they are 100% right and the other side is totally wrong, and not just wrong, but creating a health hazard, and blah blah blah. It'd be really nice to find a forum to discuss the pros and cons without WWIII starting. Mama Bean is starting on the non-vaccination side, and I'm sitting on the fence. I've heard great arguments for both sides. See I don't want my child to be another little hole in the fabric that is "herd immunity" that covers our society, yet I can't condone pumping all of that shit into a little baby whose immune system isn't even fully functioning yet.

I have been reading about alternate vaccine schedules, which I find quite intriguing. Along with separating the MMR vaccine into separate vaccines. So I will continue to do lots of research about this topic and talk to Mama Bean about it and she'll look into it as well so we can make an educated decision.

What really confuses me is that the debate over circumcision is this virulent crazy mess where people get so up in arms about it, yet the potential health risks don't come anywhere close to that of vaccinations. But circumcision is part of the past, questioning vaccinations is something new, and therefore wrong.

My life as a parent will be one of questions. I will not just accept the norm as best for my child, or my wife. And everything I learn I will discuss with my wife. It's a life I look forward to.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Why I don't like the lord of the rings

I am not a Lord of the Rings (LotR) fan, neither the movie nor the books.

I read The Hobbit when I was 19 or 20, and loved it. I'm a huge Fantasy genre fan, and it has a great story, with great writing. Naturally, I followed it up with an attempt to read the LotR series, and failed not far into the first book. It was sooooo boring. Tolkien drags on and on and on and on and on (kind of like a Peter Jackson movie...oh wait, he directed the LotR movies, go figure). It is as though Tolkien wants the reader to have no imagination of their own, and he drones on for like seven pages about the rolling green hills. Seriously, I know what rolling green hills are, and if the ones in my imagination aren't identical to those that you have in our mind, the story isn't going to crumble and fall apart.

The LotR story is awesome, I just found the books to be poorly executed. I think Robert Jordan would have done a much better job.

The movies are another story all together. Directed by Peter Jackson, the movies were a mix of amazing special effects, and brilliant battle scenes. But seriously, could Frodo get any whinier? The entire movie is him bitching and moaning... The. Entire. Movie. If the books were like that I'm glad I never read them. Who wants this whining pathetic protagonist? Why couldn't the story be about Gimli, Legolas, or Aragorn? A character that is worthy of being the protagonist of such an epic trilogy. Frodo just left me with a bad taste in my mouth. There is little wonder I am such a Conan fan. Now there is a true protagonist.

In conclusion, just because I am a nerd, it doesn't mean I have to like The Lord of the Rings. And no, I can't be kicked out of the Nerdhood, the League of Nerds, or the Guild of Geeks, because of it.

So in conclusion. The Lord of the Rings would have been better if J.R.R. Tolkien allowed his readers to take advantage of their own imaginations without having to endure countless pages full of adjectives, and if it had a protagonist worthy of being a hero.

Stupid Christians

It wasn't bad enough that there are "Christians" filling the TV and Radio airwaves with their ignorant bullshit, that now I've started getting the email forwards. I'm assuming they have been going on since the beginning of the internet, I only just started receiving them.

Which makes me sad.

Not that I'm getting them, because I can just delete them, but that they are even being sent in the first place. :(

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Daddy Blog 22/02/09

Daddy Blog from Sunday, February 22, 2009

So I haven't been able to stop thinking about being a dad. It just makes me so happy. My stomach gets all flip-floppy, and I get a stupid grin on my face.

Daddy Blog 19/02/09

Daddy Blog from Thursday, February 19, 2009

We ordered a bib on ebay today, and had it sent to my parents. It says "Mommy+Daddy=Me". I'm pretty sure it is going to blow my mom's mind. They have no idea this is coming. It's not like the pregnancy was planned, but it isn't like it was an accident either. It had been discussed, and it was something that was going to happen eventually, so we're just getting an early start on it. We were thinking of waiting until next fall, but this October works too. :)

Daddy Blog 15/02/09

Daddy Blog from Sunday, February 15, 2009

Yesterday, we found out that we are having a baby! Yay us! It's pretty friggin exciting! But we aren't allowed to tell anyone, so we have to keep it a secret. Which is where this blog comes in. When we are allowed to tell people (whenever that is), I will post this blog.

It's such an awesome Valentine's Day present. I've always enjoyed Valentine's Day, because it's a day devoted to the one(s) you love. So this is a huge added bonus. Yay for Valentine's Days!

We are going to come up with an awesome way to let my parents know. :)

Daddy Blog 16/02/09

Daddy Blog from Monday, February 16, 2009

We bought books today to read all about this pregnancy thing. Mama Bean got, "What to expect when you are expecting" and I got something like "Expecting Fathers" or something like that. I figure it is a good idea to be prepared. And I don't want to be one of those dad's who just kinda sits by and waits for it to all happen and be over with. I want to be involved. I want to help figure out what is best for our baby, and help Mama Bean throughout this intial 9 month process. I'm excited to be here to go through this with her, and also to have someone so awesome to enjoy the end result with. So here goes...