Sunday, March 20, 2005

am i a traitor?

I feel like a traitor by starting this blog. Dairyland has been good to me. We've been together for over 2 years. Since November 26, 2002 actually. That is a long time. I've had very little trouble there. Until lately. I've had a lot of posting issues, it's always busy. Granted, I could just upgrade to a gold or supergold membership, but is it really worth it? There aren't that many people that read my blog anyway. At least I don't think so. But I still feel as though I'll be abandoning a good friend. So torn. It was really easy to make this site, but upon reflection, I'm having doubts.
I guess we will see what time brings. This one does have the ability to post pictures, I do like that.
Let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...

i have to say, I'll miss your name lighting up on my buddy list, but this new template is much more reader-friendly. i say traitor on, brave soul-- such is the nature of the internet. -tari

h said...

Hmm, I was just going to say that I like your old template better.