Thursday, September 20, 2007

Raising my badass quotient

So on Tuesday I went out and made a permanent decision. A rather awesome one I might add. I got myself a tattoo. My very first, I might add. How awesome is that? Well it doesn't really matter what you think, because I love it.
For those of you who don't know (and yes, there've been a number of ppl to ask me what it is) it is a bass clef. Being a bass player, I thought it suitable. I put it on the inside of my forearm because I play a 5-string and so it's the clef at the beginning of the staff. :) I'm so clever. Though I'm realzing that I need something on my opposing wrist to balance it out, which made me wish I played piano b/c then I could get a treble clef on the right wrist and it would be perfect. The clef to suit the hand that plays it. Again, yes I'm clever.

Anyway, it was super exciting. I was so very nervous about the whole thing, especially since everyone says it's so painful there. It really wasn't, so in the scale of things, if that was painful other places will be a breeze. Teika at Impact Body Art did it for me. She was amazing. Very calming, explained it all to me, talked to me during it and generally was the best tattooist I could have asked for for my first time. I'll definitly be seeing her again.

It was sad that Mama Bean wasn't able to be there to share the experience with me, but we'd gone on our day off and they were too busy. They are one of the places in town that take walk-ins (the others being very skizzy, and the non-walkin ones booking into November).

So I'm quite happy with it. Now I'm off to Vancouver tomorrow, then Vernon tomorrow night, then home on Saturday night, home for a day before driving up to Edmonton for a day or two. Gotta love being the only IT guy, and having to travel around to do te big software upgrade alone. And she bitches when I ask for a raise...

1 comment:

Stacey said...

!!!!!!! Thats effing awesome, im jealous! You clever little badass =)