Monday, October 09, 2006

he's left

I said good-bye to my little brother yesterday. I will not see him again until the end of February. Though in actuality, it could be never. That is the reality about it. He's going off to fucking war.... I might never see the kid again. Though that isn't likely to happen. Still, it looms over our heads.It's gonna be weird. He won't be around for Christmas, my mom's birthday, Valentines day with his girlfriend, so many missed events. Just because a bunch of fucking ragheads on the other side of the world are blowing each other up. Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-war, but this is my little brother I'm talking about here. I get all conflicted when I think about him over there. Here he is, his life on the line, fighting for some unknown objective that I'm sure not even the politians know. Yeah, he signed up for it, but that is beside the point. I sit here and bitch about how shitty my job is and how my boss fucked me over, or any other complaint, all while there are guys over there getting shot at. Having to be wary of anyone not in the same uniform as them b/c they just might have 20 pounds of C4 strapped to their chest. My complaints just seem so minimal. In the grand scheme of things, they really don't matter. But they matter to me. Does that make me a selfish person? I need to learn how to keep this all in perspective. I need to figure how to sort out this shit. Either way, my prayers are with him. With all the guys over there.

1 comment:

one smarmy mama said...

those "ragheads" probably feel the same. they deserve to go home safe, too.

at least we are safe here. their civilians are not so lucky.

I hate knowing a growing number of people who are having to send loved ones over there. :(