Monday, February 05, 2007


Do you ever sit and think about your past? About things your used to do? About things that were once really important in your life, but faded away? From grades 4 through 7 or 8, I was in drama, and I always got the lead role. I ended up dropping out of drama b/c I didn't get the lead in the last play I was in. Petty, I know. I was also on Student Council, I did public speaking, science fairs (even made it to the city ones a couple of times), Yearbook committee, and even editor one year. I planned school events, I was involved with committees both in school and in my classes. I was involved with lots of things, very much not an introvert. These things were all a vital part of my life, and they just kinda went away.

Once I hit high school, and all my friends were suddenly too cool for me, I became this bitter, hateful person. I became more and more of an introvert, whereas growing up I was completely the opposite. I had friends, I went out, I was involved in things. Suddenly I stopped all that. Partly b/c I didn't have the friend base anymore, but even the new friends I made, they were all shy introverted people themselves that never really did much. Well they did stuff with each other, but not so much with me. Maybe because I was the new friend. I was the one that joined them. They were established. It's weird how it all turned out. And to think I want to be a Pastor. I'm not really a big people person. Communication definitely isn't one of my strong points. It's strange to think about some days. Not depressing or anything. Just weird.

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