Wednesday, January 09, 2008

I am King!

So I had to establish myself as the leader of the animal kingdom in my house. We have/had mice. (I'm not sure if there are any left.) There were 2 of them. Nasty, foul little beasts.

We set traps in the laundry room in hopes we'd catch them. When checking them the next day, one had worked, and the other was missing. How does a mouse trap go missing? Then I see some rustling in a bag under the laundry bench. Lo-and-behold there is the little vermin. He must have ate the peanut butter, then turned to scamper away and it snapped on his tail. So out came my 2 million candlepower flashlight, blinding him, and down came the mighty hammer of thor...errr, Chris. And that was the end of him.

Stupid gross, nasty, little fucking mice! Disgusting. Slithering around, pooping on my floor. I set another 6 traps last night in case there are more. I'm hoping they don't catch anything, and it's because there are no more, not because the mice are sneaky. (because mice aren't sneaky, just gross)

So that's my story.

This afternoon we are going to the funeral of one of Jo's old neighbours. Old meaning former, not old as in age. He was early 50's or so. Died of CO poisoning while working in his garage. His 18 y.o son was in there as well and was in the hospital, quite sick from it. It's been a long time since I've been to a funeral. I never met the guy, but his wife is super awesome. It's sad.

And tomorrow the great relaxation adventure begins! Mama Bean and I are going on a 5 day vacation, and it's going to be wonderful. Tomorrow we head to Drumheller to check out the Dinosaur museum (which I've never been to), and then on Friday we head down to Regina to hang with Kari and James for the weekend before driving back on Monday. Lots of driving, lots of relaxing. No work for either of us for 5 whole glorious days!

OH OH OH!!! My new bass came in today! I haven't written about it on here yet, just posted pics on facebook (evil facebook). It's absolutely beautiful. An unlined fretless 4 string. The sexiest thing in the world (next to my wife of course). So I'm going to pick it up before the funeral. I figure it'll be 6-8 months until I'm good enough to play it in public.

Oh, and here's a link to more pictures

1 comment:

SkippyMom said...

Sorry about the funeral...that is sad. My best to your wife.

I do hope you have a spectacular time on your holiday...and the bass? What a BEAUTY!

Have fun ... and come back and I promise to post the story about our mice and the sticky traps we was too much fun!
