Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I'm lonely.

Mama Bean is sick with an ear infection.

It's weird working for a massive corporation. It's weird starting a new job where I don't know anyone.

I don't like not having friends around. I miss my people.

I miss care group.

I miss my old worship team.

I miss my family.

I do love it out here though. I'm just craving more meaningful relationships.


Stacey Sparshu said...

If it makes you feel any better, I echo most of that (minus the sick wife and the new job) and I'm still here!

Miss you, too, Christopher! You know what Tasha would say..."well come home!" Me too!

Abby said...

You need a preggo hug.
Thats right, you just got kicked by my ninja baby. But I bet your smiling now, she rocks at doing that. Im sorry things are sucky for you right now, I have a feeling they're about to get a lot smoother here soon for ya! Tell you what, if you post your house pic, I'll post mine :O (Having a housewarming party on 10/12 WOOHOO!)
Smile Mr. Thex :)

Dave said...

Miss you guys. Hope the move goes well, and hope that ear thing gets better...too bad there's no chiro for the inner ear bones???

We haven't been home for X-mas for years...

Guess you'll be able to make some new traditions!

Thinking and praying for you guys.