Thursday, September 04, 2008


A couple of months ago I overhauled my shaving regime. I went from using a Gillette Mach 3 and shaving cream in a can to shaving with a straight razor. It's friggin awesome!

I bought this little start kit from Vintage Blades. It's was their Classic Black Straight Razor set, and came with a Dovo razor, strop, Colonel Conk's Soap, mug, and badger hair brush. I got the almond soap, and have added a scuttle to my collection.

Wet shaving is amazing. It gives me a chance to have quality "me" time. I get my stuff together in the bathroom, turn the music on, heat up some water, strop my razor, soften my face, make my lather, and shave. It gives me a good 30 min of uninterrupted time to be with myself. To let my mind go wherever it wants. To contemplate life. To think. To just be. I love it.

Now the biggest complaint I hear against it is that it takes up too much time. That they hate shaving and don't want to spend any more time in the bathroom then they have to. But that isn't the point. Sure you'll get a better shave that you ever would with a safety razor, and you'll have far less ingrowns, and that's really important for some people, but for me it's all about the experience.

The sound the blade makes as you slide that razor-sharp blade across your face. The feel of the warm lather on your face, and the exfolliating action of the brush as you lather up. The smell of your favorite soap. The knowledge that with a flick of your wrist you could open your throat up. The cooling sensation of aftershave, unlike anything you'd feel after a normal safety razor shave.

It's just awesome.

AND I recently received a wonderful birthday present from my lovely wife! It is a scuttle! It's for keeping your lather warm while you shave, b/c you'll often have to lather more than once. It's a bowl inside of a bowl. You pour hot water in the spout and it keeps the inner bowl and contents nice and hot. Amazing. And mine's pretty awesome looking to boot.

In other news, I have an interview on Friday. I applied for it shortly after moving here, and got a call yesterday. The interview is tomorrow afternoon at 2. It's with Great West Life, which is pretty awesome. They are a large company that is great to work for. Lots of room for movement/advancement and WAY better pay then the paltry $10/hr I'm making in the call center. So if you remember, a little prayer would be great. Not that I get the job, but for calmness and peace and the right words during the interview. :)

Oh! And it was my birthday last weekend! My parents weren't sure what to get me, so I bought myself something with the money they sent.

Isn't it awesome??

My dad had one when I was growing up, and I always wanted one. He worked in the mines and alot of the guys used them. It was actually designed by a miner in the 50's who also worked for Inco (the mine my dad worked for). He put his lunch box on end one day while waiting for the lift to take them underground and flattened his lucnhbox, so he decided he needed something a little more reinforced. It's made out of aluminum and reinforced with rivets.

But instead of covering mine with union stickers like the miners, I'm going to cover mine with computer stickers. Because I'm a big nerd like that. I'll have pics when I get it started.

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