Thursday, May 15, 2003

Lack of Professionalism Running Rampant

What is with people passing the blame? Why can't people just suck it up and take the heat? Especially when it was your own fault? I take shit all day, anytime anyone screws up, I am the first line that people talk to and I take the flak. Whatever, I don't really care. I just smile, take it and move on. I know it wasn't me that screwed up, and if it was, I apologize (though I do anyway) and learn from it. But when a client complains to their stylist about something and the stylist promptly says that wasn't me, or I didn't know or what not, and then asks who did it, to the client...What the fuck is up with that? That isn't professional. If you have a problem with something that one of your co-workers did, take it up with them, don't discuss it up with your client or bring them into it. It is like everyone in my salon is out to make the other stylists look bad and improve their standing. They put down the other stylists to their clients, they make snide remarks about them. I just don't understand this attitude. This isn't something that you do. Smarten the fuck up. I never discuss problems in front of the clients. I talk to the people in the back. I don't gossip with the clients (or the staff for that matter) about other clients or staff. When a worker insults another co-worker to a client, what does that say about the workplace? I wouldn't want to go to a place where there is so much internal squabbling. A few of the stylists aren't talking to Carrie because of something she did the other day that pissed them off. So if she talks to them, or asks them something, even in front of clients, they ignore her and walk away. Yes she ahs been a bitch, but that is no reason to treat her like that in front of the clients. I just don't get this total lack of professionalism.

The other day this late-middle-age women walked in and wanted to get her hair done. She wasn't exactly well-kempt and was a little scruffy. Two stylists were behind me when she walked in and they quickly left. When I got the lady to take her coat off and went to find someone to do her hair, I asked the two ladies that were behind me, both said no, saying they were busy, which I knew they weren't. They were the next ones in line for walk-ins yet they both turned her down. And everybody is always bitching about not getting enough walk-ins. I mean "what the fuck?" So I ended up giving her to Mark (my boss) and she ended up getting a perm (lots of money) I don't understand this stuck-up-better-than-others attitude. They won't try to fit in an extra client of theirs that happens to walk in and want something down because they don't want to have to work a little harder or faster. Yet they never stop complaining about having enough clients or making enough money. I just don't understand the mentality of this place. I thought it was supposed to be client/customer first, but not here, at least with most of the stylists. It is they that are first. It is so sad.

That and some of them are so phony. It is enough to make me sick. The way they smile, the way they "oh thank you, that's not necessary, you don't need to do that" as they are reaching for the tip the client is still in the process of pulling out of their wallet. I want to puke. To scream at them. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?

I just don't understand them. I need a new job.

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