Thursday, June 01, 2006


Every sports radio station is talking about how hockey just isn't popular in the states. For example, Carolina, who is hosting game 7 of the Eastern Conference Finals tonight isn't even sold out. How sad is that? Though not ALL american cities are hockey-free. Buffalo (who is playing Carolina tonight) sold out the entire series home games in 12 min.
But no matter what, hockey will always be #1 in Canada. And us and the Eastern US will keep hockey going forever. It may never have the publicity or scandals that football or basketball have. But it has the hearts of Canadians. (Canadians, also the #1 hockey team[the montreal ones, not the national ones])

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah the Carolina situation was pretty weak. They went through this the last time they went deep in the playoffs as well. I say they pull that team and move it back to Hartford who is willing to build a huge arena for that team.

That being said, I am cheering HARD for Carolina to whomp those horrid Oilers. - Ty