Thursday, December 28, 2006

Things I've learned this Christmas Season

It is strange celebrating Christmas minus a younger brother, made all the weirder to think, while opening presents, that he is on the otherside of the world, is some sandy-garbage dump of a country, getting shot at. Life doesn't make sense sometimes.

Kwanzaa is retarded.

Putting Vicks under your nose and then eating supper is a bad idea.

barista brat is a fun blog to read. She works for Starbucks and always has a fun story or two.

Having Mama Bean home, for good this time, makes the world such a brighter place. Some days it doesn't feel like it's been 3 years.

Being sick just after Christmas sucks, but it isn't nearly as bad as being sick on Christmas.

A couple of Aspirin, a shot of Benylin all-in-one, and a double dose of extra-strength neo-citrin works great for getting rid of flu symptoms and knocking me out for a good long sleep.

My family and my soon-to-be inlaws get along well.

The gift giving part of Christmas doesn't have to be important, but if you are giving a gift, make sure there is some thought put into it, or don't give it at all.

1 comment:

Proud Military Girlfriend said...

Hey There! Our first Christmas "together" minus the being "together" part really sucks too, when I think about how he's in some sandy-garbage dump of a country being shot at. I'm sorry you missed your little brother during Christmas, but I want to thank you for thinking about him.
I think almost everyday about how exciting it must be for you to finally have Mama Bean home for good! I'm so happy for you two! You must be so excited for the wedding!
P.S. Good advice about the Vick's and the supper...*Puke*!
Say hi to Mama Bean for me!