Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Taking Christian Back

Why should the "Christian Right/legalistic Christians/conservative Christians" get the word "Christian" associated with them and all the negative connotations that go along with them?

Why should liberal/non-legalistic Christians have to find another way of calling themselves Christians without using the word "Christian"?

I'm sick of this. I want the word Christian back. I don't want to say that I'm Christian in fear that people are immediatly going to think I'm this conservative, biggoted, fear-mongering, conservative nut-job.

I'm taking Christian back. If it means explaining myself every single time I tell someone that I am Christian, then so be it. If it means writing to the editor everytime I see the word Christian used to describe right-wing, conservative Christians without qualifying they mean right-wing, conservative Christians, then so be it.

My name is Christopher Neufeld, and I am a Christian.


Stacey Sparshu said...

Hey wait a minute...that's my rant!!!

Maybe this is why we get along!

Stacey said...

Heh...try telling people your Wiccan! "Satan worshiper?!?" NO you idiot, read before you presume!

Yanno what...be who you want to be, and drown out what other people say with positive confirmation of your own belief. (preferably in your head...religion offends people :O)