Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Amazing Preggo Wife!

My wife amazes me with her patience when it comes to things pregnancy/childbirth/parenting related. And not just the physical act of being pregnant, but all the mental abuse from others.

She is constantly bombarded with parenting advice, and stories of other peoples experiences, whether we cares or not. She does an amazing job of taking it all in stride and remaining rather non-judgmental.

We aren't following the norm when it comes to bean. We are doing it at home with a midwife. We aren't sure yet about vaccinations. She's hoping to breastfeed and pump while I stay home and she goes to work. I'm going to be a stay-at-home dad. We have made educated choices about our upcoming child, that we think are right for us, but she doesn't use any of them to make herself superior to people that don't make similar choices. As I browse the internet reading about parenting and childbirth stuff, everyone is a nazi for their side of the argument. And it's really easy to get that way. It is natural to want to defend your choices. But Mama Bean does such an amazing job of staying above that.

We try to stay away from the conflict, the judging, and all that good stuff that comes with contentious issues. I'm not always good at that. I'm a bit of a shit-disturber at times, and not always great with keeping my mouth shut. Mama Bean is much better at this than I am, and she's doing such an awesome job of keeping the peace.


SkippyMom said...

Hey! Not everyone is a Nazi for their side of the argument. That was the whole point of my last comment. :D

Everyone makes their own choices and what works for one family may not work for another. Everyone should do their own thing and let others do what they want.

I will never get in an argument over breastfeeding/bottle, SAHM[D]/working parents, discipline or any other thing.

We raised some darn nice kids, with pretty little effort - I don't know why that is, but they are great kids - we weren't "lucky" we did parent and had rules [our rules] - we didn't read books or scour the net for OMG the new thing. We just did what we did and were happily rewarded for it.

Where we are lucky is that all of our 6 children are incredibly healthy. For that we thank our lucky stars every single day.

I am glad that Mama Bean is ignoring the naysayers - it is the best. I know I shouldn't say this, but you seriously need to stay away from parenting blogs and trust your instincts - only because I can see how pissed off they make you.

Enjoy the experience. Make it your own. And buy a pair of earplugs.

[PS How close to the due date are you? And can you email me please? I want to send something to you all]

christopher said...

Thanks SkippyMom, you're awesome.
I sent an email to your yahoo account, is that the right one?