Thursday, October 29, 2009

Support is Important

Having a baby is challenging. It's hard work, but it's not the physical work that's tough (at least not yet), but it's the emotional side of things. The frustration of not knowing if you are doing something right, of not being able to tell what he wants when he fusses or cries. My respect for single parents has increased one hundred fold since becoming a dad. It's a tough job, and going at it alone is just unfathomable to me.

Our biggest challenge has been not having much in the way of a support network around us. At least not in the immediate vicinity. Both of our immediate families live multiple provinces away, and while we do have extended family in the city, I find it really difficult to ask for help.

I thought we were developing a decent support network here. Going to church, having a small group, making friends... but it has all seemed so distant these past two weeks. Bean was born two weeks ago today, and we've haven't had much in the way of visitors. I mean my parents surprised us with a visit the weekend after he was born, and what a HUGE blessing that was, and a couple of friends from out of town who just happened to be in town that weekend dropped in, but other than that, we've had no one.

I dunno, I guess I just expected more, which maybe I shouldn't, but I thought at times when there's a birth or death that the community comes together and helps those people out. I mean we've missed the last two Sundays at church and haven't heard a peep from anyone. That's not true, one person gave us a phone call and congratulated us which was really nice.

Maybe technology is getting in the way? When Bean was born I let everyone know on facebook, and posted a couple of pictures, and the messages and comments on my status poured in. It was really nice, but that's where it stopped. Other than from a couple of really close friends, nobody even called. Nobody offered to drop by with dinner or to visit (things i thought just happened, especially in churches). Maybe I'm being a little old fashioned, but commenting on someone's status is nowhere near the same as calling them on the phone, or dropping in to see them. But I think people have gotten comfortable sending greetings and congratulations from afar and the personal interaction has been left behind. It's so much easier to type "Congrats!" than to pick up the phone and call, or drop by and see how things are going.

Now, I know I'm just having a little pity party for myself over here, I just expected more. And maybe I shouldn't have. Maybe the relationships that we have cultivated just aren't at that point yet. Or maybe I just need to learn to ask...There was just so much love and support prior to the birth, I thought it would continue. I think it's the fact that the extent of most people's comments were a reply to a status update. That's not enough.

It'll get better though. Hopefully we'll make it to church on Sunday and reconnect with people there, and Jo's parents are coming in Sunday afternoon for a couple of weeks. It'll be a good thing, though I'm sure trying at times. ;) I love my inlaws, they just drive me nuts sometimes. But then most people do, and living with them for a couple of weeks just amplifies things. lol It'll be great for the love and support though, just what we need right now.


SkippyMom said...

This makes me sad for you. Really, I know being a new parent is scary [as they say "Babies don't come with a manual"] but you learn as you go along tho' it would be nice to have help.

I wish I was closer because I would love to drop by with dinner and hold the lil' guy. :D I would surely beg to be your official babysitter "Auntie Skippy"! :)

I don't think it is that people don't want to help it is probably they don't know how to go about it.

I don't have all the answers but I am only a phone call away if you ever need anything - and believe me no question is too silly/odd/weird. Honest.

True story: My sister gave birth to our family's first grandchild. When she got hiccups for the first time she called my mother in a panic screaming "What do I do, what do I do?" My mom, not know for tact/empathy simply replied "Put a paperbag over her head." My sister hung up on her.

Of course my mom was kidding, and I still laugh at that story b/c my sister was pretty darn dramatic anyway - but it just illustrates that things happen and it is always nice to have someone to go to [that is NOT my mom ;)]

Hugs to you all!

Nathan said...

Hey Chris,

Sorry Heather and I haven't dropped by. [excuse] We've been sick and busy [/excuse]. It's also that I get the feeling that sometimes people don't want to see other people immediately after they have a baby.

Sorry if you feel like we've let you down. I hope to see you on Sunday.