Thursday, March 13, 2003

Army and the Bible

Well I have decided to join the army. It was a tough decision, one I hope is the right one. The biggest drawback is being away from my Mama Bean for 2 months, in the final few months before she leaves. But it will enable me to go and visit her more often during the school year. Something I otherwise would not be able to do. That is a REALLY good thing. I will make $5000 in the 8 weeks I am gone, and I have a guarenteed summer job for the next couple of summers. PLUS...i get $2000/yr back from my schooling. So i think it is a pretty good trade off for 8 weeks away from my girl.

What makes the bible sacred? Because the church said so? Why are the books in the bible God inspired, but the other books, the apocrypha not? Why did they not make it into the Bible? Because the church said so. Well not the church, but ppl from the church. Church is not a "god thing." Not getting together as a group of christians, but getting together for an hour, sitting around, listening to someone and waiting for the sermon to end so that we can go home. That is not what God created. yet this is what decided what books would be in the bible. Soo....what makes the books in the bible more important to the Christian faith than books like Thomas and Maccabees?

These are just some prelimenary thoughts on the subject.


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