Monday, March 10, 2003

Iraq v. Ethiopia

Why is it that around the world, people are dying of hunger? Or thirst? Or basic problems like diahrrea? What is the problem? All the while, we are sitting over here, being...selfish. We don't care what is going on over there. Not really. Not enough to do anything. Sure there are people that think they care, but not really. They will sponser a child through some company like World Vision with 1/6 or less of the money actually makes it to the other side of the world, and even less makes it to the child/village where it was intended.

How is it that we can live in a society like this? A world like this?! It is depressing. We live in a world of convenience. One where w/n minutes we can have a fullmeal, albeit from a fast food joint, but that is enough to... It is all so frustrating. Hundreds of people are dying everyday in Ethiopia right now, in the worst famine in years. And what are we worried about? Whether or not the US is going to go to war, and innocent people are going to die. What about all the innocent people that are dying in Ethiopia? Or any other 2/3's world country right now. What makes the people that are going to die in Iraq, and the Americans so special? WHAT THE FUCK!?!??! Just because the killer is hunger makes it less noticeable than a bullet, or a missile? Because the killings weren't ordered by another person? Sure they were. The order to kill these people in Ethiopia is send out everyday, bt everyone one of us living in this "civilized" western world. I just want to cry.

The media doesn't talk about it because it is old. It has been going on for so long. People dying of starvation isn't anything new. It isn't something we can stand behind/against and do something about. It is because we are the killers. We are the ones killing them. By deprieving them of the very things that they need to survive. Adequate drinking water, food, medical supplies. All things we have in excess and we throw away daily. Think about the amount of waste we have.

The amount of money spent on militay preparations. The amount of money spent on peace rallies. Yay, finally another reason to waste resourses. Lets protest the killing of innocent women and children. Lets send millions of letters to the gov't and other useless shit. Bags of rice. Rice that will just get thrown out. Yes it is a statement, one that needs to be made. There is nothing wrong with anti-war protests and whatnot. But why is there such a hype over innocent pple dying now? There are ppl dying all the time. All the rice that is being send to washington and wherever else, is just going to end up being thrown out. The amount of rice that is being sent to gov't officials would be enough to feed lots of ppl. Now if that is not wasteful I don't know what is. Sure it is to protest the starvation and shit that is going to happen t those in the middle east if a war breaks out, but what about all the people dying right now? Places where there is no war. Just a shitty place to live and to be born into.

What makes us so special? What have we done to deserve life, and to condemn others to death? Other than to be born in this country.

I am done ranting. All I know is that this war, and everything to do with it, anti and pro, is bullshit. Yeah, it is a cause to stand up for now. Sure war may be averted and the innocent ppl of the middle east will live another day, but after the hype dies down, ppl will go back into their homes, and live their lives until the media hypes another contreversial event up and they have a reason to come out and protest. All the while, ppl will continue to die not due to bombs, and war, but due to famine, and droughts. No, it isn't as glorified, but it is still death. Something that can be prevented.

I waste lots, live a comfortable life, and I enjoy it. But I need to wake up to the problems of the world. Open my eyes and see what is going on. I really have no clue what I can do. I like this way of life. I like the comfort. But thinking about all those ppl that don't have it. That are dieing because of my excessiveness. It really makes me sick.

I know I have gone on about this before, but sometimes it just sneaks up on me, and really bothers me. I wish there was something I can do.

That is the end of my rant.


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