Thursday, March 20, 2003

I just don't get it

Why is drinking/being drunk an excuse to cheat on your significant other? What gives them the right to inflict pain and hurt on other people? Just because they were drinking? It was the fault of the alcohol? So why put yourself in the situation in the first place? Know your limits. Know when enough is enough and you can still think clear enough to control your actions.

It seems like people don't want to take responsibility for their actions. The moment of fun/passion is worth more than the grief and pain afterwards. Does this really make sense?

It is one of those things that I do not, nor ever will understand. I will always be faithful to the one I love. I made that decision the moment she said yes when I asked her out. I just don't understand. It hurts to see others hurting themselves and those close to them.

I might sound self-righteous or whatnot, but, I just don't know. Does anyone understand?

Well the war has now begun. What now? Hmm...A huge waste of life and resources. Then, when it is all over, they are going to help rebuild the countries. Does that really make sense?

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