Wednesday, June 25, 2003

acts of kindness are wonderful

Yay! 2 years with my Jo.

I was so impressed. Yesterday, there was a guy running to catch the train, and a guy had gotten off and was walking away, quickly ran back to stop the door from closing and held it until the running guy got there. I never see that happen very often. More often than not ppl just watch the doors close and the person run up to it and is not able to get on. So sad. Acts of kindness are wonderful.

My boss is a bit of an idiot. I don't know what it is about being a summer student, but almost every summer job I have had, the boss talks to me/us as if we are two. I don't mind explanations, even if they are about the stupidest things, or stuff I already know, but don't talk to me like I am 2. He also gets pissed off at us if we are doing something wrong, or rather "inefficient," though he hasn't taught us otherwith. Then he gets all passive-aggressive for the next couple of hours. It is rather annoying. Today I was trying to raise my 32' ladder. It is the kind where you pull the rope and the top part goes up along the wheels. My hand slipped while I was pulling the rope up and the ladder slipped and fell, collapsing in on itself, knocking me down, and making lots of noise. My boss watches this all happen, then comes over all pissed off, and proceeds to tell me how to do it properly and whatnot. I was thinking "Fuck off, I know what I am doing. My hand just slipped." Fucking guy. I ended up scraping a knuckle and I have a bump on the top of my head. I think he was worried that I would get hurt and get worker's comp. or something or take time off. 'Cause you know "Time is money." Stupid.

I was invited to Rob Penner's stag party tonight. Yay, I am popular. Well not really, but it made me feel special that I was invited. But I don't have anyway of getting there. My parents are at a meeting so I can't even scam a ride off of them, and my Mama Bean is busy. Sad. Oh well, hopefully they won't think that I don't like them and never invite me to anything again.

I got this really cute little cat statuette of a cat from Jo. It is really cute, yet kinda creepy because it has no eyes, just empty black sockets. He is really cool though. I quite like him.

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