Saturday, July 26, 2003

I am sorry...

I am such an ass. I am sorry to all those I affected. I behaved like a total twit and should never have acted that way. I am sorry. I had too much to drink, I know that. My apologizes. I am sitting here, feeling like a total ass, because that is how I acted. I know that, and I am still drunk. Yes, one pitcher of cider. That is all it took. I guess I overestimated my tolerance level.

I know I fucked up. I apologize for it.

Folk Fest tonight was really awesome. Danial Lanois was amazing. I was really impressed. Yes, I was drunk when I heard him, but I am still impressed. I was not, however, drunk for any of the other acts. The Bill Hilly band was really awesome. I really enjoyed their show. I enjoyed most of the acts tonight.

Once again, I am really sorry.

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