Friday, July 18, 2003

VD and Pregnancy...hey, it rhymes.

Okay, so I have been thinking, is it the guys responsibility, or the girls, to carry protection if they are going to sleep around? This thought has been plagueing my thoughts the past few days. Ever since I was sitting in the bar and this girl's purse spilt and among the contents of her purse were a number of condoms. This kinda caught me off guard. Namely because I don't hang around with a lot of people that do that sort of thing. Have one-night flings or what-not. I know that both men and women carried protection, but I hadn't consiously thought about it. So now it has me thinking.

I thought we were in an age of sensitive guys. We ushered out the age where machisimo, tough guys, was the standard, and brought about the time of sensitive, caring guys. So in this age, should it not be up to the guy to carry protection? Sure if the girl is on the pill or deppo or what-ever, but that is different. It shouldn't just be up to the girl to protect herself. The guy should want to protect himself, as well as his potential partner. But, maybe that is only if sex means something. When it is beyond just a carnal act of self-gratification. Maybe it is just old fashioned thinking on my part, that the guy should look out for the women. I mean, doesn't this fall somewhere under the laws of chivalry. It is probably right after throwing your jacket over a puddle so the lady can walk over it as opposed to around it. So, being after this rather well-known rule, it falls in the shadow of the afore mentioned rule. As I am not a part of this culture, I may be missing something and may sound like I am out in left field somewhere, but I just don't understand it.

Women shouldn't have to carry condems. It should be the responsibility of those it clothes. Yes it serves as protection to both, but c'mon guys, show a little decency and carry your own condoms. Birth control and STD protection shouldn't be left up to the lady.

To quote a sports journalist that I don't really much care for "these are my thoughts, not yours..."

I'm out.

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