Thursday, July 28, 2005

a nice way to start the day

Other than being woken up and hour and a half before I wanted to, today is off to a good start.
Canon called and I had one of those phone pre-interviews with them for a service technician job I applied for. I got my flights booked and confirmed to go see Mama Bean for a week in september, for a piddly $521. How awesome is that? And I'll be starting afternoons again next week. It gets in the way of my bass lessons though, which really sucks, and I don't know if he is going to be free when I am, so we'll see how that turns out.
Oh, and I start playing bass with the worship team at church next month. Not this weekend, but the following I believe. I actually play twice in August, and then I start regularly in September. I'm not sure how many bass players we'll have, but I'll be on one or two teams, with each team playing once a month. I'm really nervous, but excited.

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