Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Musical Debut

So this Saturday I will be making my big debut on the music scene in Calgary in front of 1500 people. Granted it's only at my church, and only with the worship band, and only really 500 at a time, but still.
This will be my first time ever playing with someone else, up until know it's just been playing along with CD's. My first time playing in front of people, with any musical instrument. And I'm scared shitless. Well not so much scared, as nervous that I'm going to fuck up. That's a lot of people to mess up in front, and granted the guys on the sound board can just turn me down so that no one hears me if I screw up too much, I don't think that'll happen. I've played these 4 songs enough, and I have been practicing a lot lately.
But, If you are in town this weekend, I'll be playing Sat night, and 2 services Sunday morning. Oh, and I play again in 2 weeks. So then too. :)
I'm on my way to becoming a rockstar! The bass player that has no...errr...little rhythm. (i'm learning)

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