Tuesday, November 28, 2006

New Job...again. :)

So I got a job! I"ve been here for 3 days now, started last Thursday. I work for a company that is an authorized reseller and training center for Autodesk products. Autodesk makes the whole line of AutoCAD stuff, and Autodesk Inventor, Mechanical, Civil 3D, etc...
I am their new IT guy. Their only IT guy. Right now they have a consultant in charge of it all. He used to work here, but now works for an IT consulting company and probably charges these guys copious amounts of money. So they hired me to take over from him. But I can't see him being very happy about having an internal guy taking over from him, and him losing the contract here. I met him yesterday, and he was a bit of a cocky asshole. I mean I'm sure he is a nice guy, but I'm taking over his job, and that factors in. He was making remarks about how since he was here pretty much from the beginning (Worked here for 6 years) that there isn't enough work to support an IT guy fulltime. Which I can see as being very true. There are only 10 employees, and a computer lab with 14 computers. There will be moments of panic getting something done, but I'm not sure how much. It was just so discouraging talking to him yesterday. Up until then I've been all excited about the things I'll get to do here. And he just shot it all down. I mentioned to him a couple of the things I had in mind for doing here, and he just shot them all down. I know I don't have shitloads of experience and everything, but still, don't be such an asshole. So yeah, he's the only person here who knows anything about thier setup, and he doesn't seem to keen about giving it up. That's going to make life frustrating. That and I am the only person here who knows anything about IT stuff. So there is noone to learn from. It's all going to be trial and error, and self-learning.
Fuck that guy pissed(s) me off! Up until he showed up yesterday I was all excited about being here. Now I'm all frustrated and depressed about this whole thing. And the guy I'm supposed to report to is out of town for the week, so I'm sitting around doing fuck all learning about this new program they want me to work on, and maybe eventually teach. Which will fill up my time when I'm not doing "IT stuff." And I can't see my boss hiring me if she didn't think there would be work to do. It's just that guy! I can't believe it got to me...
Anyways...the atmosphere here seems pretty cool. It is completely devoid of any structure, which will take some getting used to. Everyone just kinda does their own thing. The sales people sit in their offices on the phone, the tech folks, who are the instructors, aer either teaching, or they sit in their office playing around with their respective programs, providing tech support about the software to clients that call in, or just piss around on their computers, kinda like I'm doing right now. Though I've been working all morning, and could just consider this my coffee break. I work 8:30-4:30, 1 hour for lunch, paid, and am salaried. Salary kinda sucks, but we have profit sharing, and with that it makes it alright. But the profit sharing doesn't kick in for 3 months making this time a little rough, and I'm going to get a second job. So everyone here just kinda does their own thing, not a lot of employee interaction, but eveyone seems like nice enough people. There are a couple of young guys may ageish here.
On a side note, I've gotten 3 calls in the past 2 days from millwright places I applied to, just like I figured would happen. /sigh


Anonymous said...

All I can say is...YIKES!!!
I hope I didn't get you involved in something that you'll regret later! And if I did you can always blame it on your lovely younger brother (who also happens to be my boyfriend...HE'S THE PERFECT SCAPE GOAT because he's in the SANDBOX WOOT!!!) Well, I hope you feel better about this soon (he IS an ass by the way...I've always hated working with him *PUKE*) Later Gaters ~Luvs Your Lil' Bro's GF

one smarmy mama said...
