Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Look out Timmie's here I come!

I got a second job today! Well, I was offered a job today, tomorrow I will call and accept. I needed to think on it, well not really, but I didn't just want to accept right there. She was desperate enough about hiring me, I didn't want to seem equally eager.

So I will be a little timbit, with aspirations of becoming Head Timbit. :D (Employee's aren't actually called Timbits, but henceforth, I will be referring to them as that)

The Tim Hortons I will be working at is just down the road from my office. I figured I may as well get a job close to the office since it's easier to go there after work, and have to drive longer on the weekend, then having to drive for a long time everyday, and not so much on the weekends.

So yay! Hopefully it is a decent job. 3 of the 20 current part time employees are over 14. And you can't work the sandwich bar (b/c of knives and stuff) if you aren't over 14, which means I'll be doing that alot. On Saturday's I'll be baking, which is cool. I'd like to get into the production stuff in the back, so I'm not dealing with customers all the time, but we'll see how things go. She mentioned they need managers as well, so maybe down the road I can do that. :)

So yay for the extra money. It will be so helpful in buying this house and paying off debt.

1 comment:

Proud Military Girlfriend said...

WOOHOO DISCOUNTS ON MY DOUBLE DOUBLES WHEN I TRAVEL TO CALGARY FOR WORK...oh wait...work pays for it anyway....who cares...oh well...
CONGRATS!!! I can't wait to see you in those uniforms!!