Thursday, February 26, 2009

Certified Nerd

It's official, I'm an A+ Certified Computer/IT Technician. I wrote the first one yesterday, which is the A+ Essentials (220-601) and scored an 807/900 (90 multiple choice questions, 675 to pass). It took me 25 of the 90 minutes allotted.

Today, I wrote the second exam, which is the A+ IT Technician (220-602) and scored 835/900. I thought I did a whole lot worse and was pleasantly surprised when I finished. I started the exam, and wasn't feeling so good about it. The questions were stuff that I didn't know quite so well, and there was a lot of just going with my gut feeling. About halfway through I was thinking about how long it was going to take me to study for this again, and when I am going to write it again. And then I hit the "End" button, and got my score. Yipee!!

So yeah, totally awesome! The best part? It's a lifetime certification. I NEVER have to study for it or write it EVER AGAIN!

So that's pretty sweet. I'm excited. I'm certified. I think I'm going to write my Apple Help Desk one next.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

Congratulations, I am looking forward to sending all of my irritating "my computer is broken" questions to you :-)