Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Passed the First Part

I took the first of 2 A+ exams today. Today was 220-601, A+ Essentials. It is supposed to be the "hardware" exam, while the second one, 602 is more of an OS/how to be a tech one.

It is 100 questions, scored out of 900, and a 675 is a pass. I passed with an 807. I was pretty nervous going into it as this is the first time in 4 years I've written a test, but did pretty good. I'm nervous about tomorrow's however. I'm still leaning to the i'll pass side of things, but with a smaller margin. It requires a 700/900 to pass, and the questions are of the type that I did poorly on today. There are a lot of questions like "How do you get to the setting that allows you to specify when a user is allowed to print?" and "What are 3 ways to access the control panel in Windows 2000?"

I'll do okay. I'll study tonight, write it in the morning. If I fail, I'll just take it again, and have a better idea of what I need to do.

1 comment:

selfrequiem said...

Good Job!