Wednesday, July 22, 2009

ABC's to describe me

This is the second month during which I've participated in ICLW and an ABC's intro seems to be quite popular so I thought I'd do one. And it also gives those of you that are regular readers a little more insight into my life. :)

A - Archery, my current obsession which I spend a lot of time doing in training for my first year bowhunting this fall. I purchased a bow in May, and have been hitting the range regularly since then in order to get my bowhunting skills up (a very important skill according to Napoleon Dynamite)
B - Bean, the little boy that is currently growing inside of my wife and will join us in October. He is currently unnamed, and due round about October 21st, meaning my wife is just now entering her third trimester.
C - Chiropractor, what my wife does for a living. It is more than a job, it is a healthcare philosophy.
D - Dog, my favorite pet and which I'm hoping to one day get again. We've had a dog since grade 2 when Nikki (a mutt) followed me home and I asked to keep her. We had to give her away when we moved, but she was my very first dog.
E - Emotional, a perfect descriptor for me. I cry during movies, and even during TV shows (Grey's Anatomy, I mean c'mon, who doesn't cry during this show)
F - Family, something that is very important to me, and something that I'm quickly learning how much it means to me and how much I miss mine back home.
G - Gardening, my wife and I started gardening this year. We have a 4'x12' garden in our backyard as well as a 1500sq.ft community garden plot. It is a lot of fun, though very discouraging at times.
H - Happy, my usual emotional state. I'm a happy guy by default. More often than not you'll find me smiling and giggling about something.
I - IT Guy, my current job with a local school division. I love my job.
J - Jo, the name of my beautiful wife whom I love dearly. (my baby-momma)
K - Kind-hearted, I'm a nice guy to the core. I play up being an asshole sometimes, and can be blunt and tactless, but it kills me when I'm not a nice guy.
L - Learning, something I'm always doing. Be it at work about some new software we are using, at home about being a dad pretty soon here, or at church about theology and the like.
M - Meat Loaf, my favorite singer/band. I've been a fan since I first heard Bat out of Hell on a tape my dad recorded from the radio when I was a kid. I own every album, import or otherwise. I get made fun of a lot for it, but I don't care. I saw him in concert in 2007, row 7 on the floor!!
N - Nose, the thing about me that annoys my wife. In high school I worked as a life-guard at a pool. Part of my duties were to keep the pH balance in check which we did using powdered hydrochloric acid. Well, one day I was moving bags of it and was flopping a big 20lb(ish) bag down when it pulled my dust mask off and I got a nose-full of powdered hydrochloric acid which promptly burned off a good bit of nose-hairs from back inside my nose. This means that my nose is quickly affected when I have allergies or am sick and constantly drips. My wife isn't a fan. But loves me anyway.
O - October, when bean (the little boy that is currently growing inside of my wife) will be born.
P - Pastor, the job that I eventually want after I finish my schooling which I'm hoping to start in January.
Q - Quiet, a term that describes me quite well in situations where I don't know many people.
R - Religion, a topic that I'm very interested in, be it mine, or someone else's. I'm not judgmental about it, and love learning about different religions. Just because I think I'm right, doesn't mean I think you are wrong, a thought process that isn't quite logical, but something I try to live out.
S - Strawberry Crisp, the dessert I just made tonight with the fresh strawberries we picked on the weekend. It probably could have been cooked a little longer, but is very yummy.
T -, my blog where I write about living a Twisted Christian life, and the things that irk me about Christianity.
U - Ubuntu, the Linux operating system that I recently installed on a computer that I'm using to learn how to setup and run a webserver on. (yes, i'm a big geek)
V - Violet, my favorite color. (Actually, purple is my favorite color, but that letter was already taken, and I couldn't think of anything for V) :)
W - Winnipeg, the city in which I currently reside. Everyone seems to think we are crazy for moving here, but it is a wonderful city and I'm quite happy we moved here.
X - Xiolo, the screen name I tend to use in most games, forums, etc.. It is a word that I made up when I was tired of the name I wanted in online games was always taken.
Y - Yellowknife, where I grew up, and where I find myself homesick for every once-in-a-while.
Z - Zebras at Zoos, the animal I find least attractive in a place I'm torn about liking. From a conservation point-of-view they have huge benefits, but the number of them that are absolutely horrible is astounding.


SkippyMom said...

This was lovely! And you got off easy on the X...LOL...I couldn't have gotten that letter :)

I really enjoyed this. Wish Mama Bean and Bean our best :) So excited for you.

Tina said...

I love reading people's ABC introductions! You really have to get creative with some of the letters.

Congrats on your little bean. Happy ICLW!


C Lo said...

I had no idea about the meatloaf thing. I may have to defriend you now. :P

WiseGuy said...

Hey Xiolo,

lovely to read your ABCs.. I myself have done the list myself. Like you said, it was quite a done-way around here, and I had not attempted it yet till the current ICLW.

Even though, I would be coming around to your blog, when I traverse the list chronologically, your comments on my blog make me want to reply. :)

On Raves, Rants and Sidekicks....does it not feel bad when people apply more authority on you by the basic fact that their relatives are also around and possibly having a better hierarchial position than oneself? Something of that nature had happened and I was mighty angry.

On Woman Anyone? ...yo...I like to kiss, but I don't like to be kissed. And the reason is defenses somehow start screaming Code Red when I get aware of the prospect.

Happy ICLW!

WiseGuy said...

...UGH! forgive my grammar....I posted without reviewing.

Katie said...

Yaaaay for the ABCs! I'm not nearly creative enough... LOL. Congrats on your little boy!

grace said...

Took me until Z, but we have something in common--I think zebras are unattractive, too! :)

Pleased to meet you!


Kristin said...

I love these intros! Glad to meet another Meatloaf fan. My hubby and I have done a karaoke performance of Paradise By The Dashboard Lights numerous times.


Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

I've always liked zebras, not because of their aesthetics but because the functional camouflage is so cool. But c'mon, you have to admit that baby zebras can be cute.

Happy ICLW!

Liddy said...

I love reading the ABCs.

Congrats on the little bean! :)

Stopping by for an ICLW visit...
No. 95: The Unfair Struggle (male-factor infertility, good friends, neighborhood rumblings)

Beautiful Mess said...

Happy ICLW!

Great list! I enjoy learning more about other religions, as well. I enjoy hearing other points of view that differ from my own. It's so very interesting.

YAY for the third trimester! Glad all is well with the little guy!
Thanks for the comment on my post. I really appreciate it. Body image is a huge thing. I wish everyone could be happy with who they are, including myself ;o)

WiseGuy said...

Good Luck to you, wifey and Bean for October! You know, reading Ubuntu startled me! The cabin I occupy right now was once occupied by an IT guy, that sticker "Ubuntu - Linux for Human Beings" is still there on my cabin wall.

Pastor! Really? And I think your screen name is very unusual...

Good Luck!


Mrs. Gamgee said...

I was going to make a comment about Winterpeg until I got to Y... you do like the cold don't you? :)


MAJ Bryen said...

Great ABCs. I will have to check out your web site. congrats on your bean!Best wishes and happy. ICLW!

Fiddle1 said...

Came back to check in and was excited to see you are taking up bowhunting. I had a brief period where I borrowed a youth recurve bow and was determined to hunt with it. I never practiced enough and then lost interest. My husband bowhunts..and he's recently switched from a compound to a recurve. It's bitten him and he walks around the yard and woods in the offseason shooting cans and rotten tree stumps. I've seen him eyeing pieces of he might actually be thinking about whittling an arrowhead..but I discourage that. There's nothing like bowhunting to make you realize how tough the Native Americans had it. October marks bow season I'm guessing you might miss your first one..seeing as how you'll be busy with other things :-).

Fiddle1 said...

Oh, wait! I realize you are in Canada and your seasons may be vastly different from ours! I am very curious..what are your hunting seasons like there? Would you just bowhunt big game or anything else?