Thursday, July 02, 2009


It's summertime! School is out and work is supremely busy. It is nice that I'm on a 7-3 shift now instead of 8-4, but getting up that hour early is going to take some getting used to. I will enjoy getting off at 3 though.

AND...My parents get here tonight! It's very exciting! I haven't seen them since we moved last August, and I've never lived in another city from them for any length of time, so it's been a bit of an adjustment. Especially with not going home for Christmas. So I'm pretty excited. They are coming out for a cousin's wedding on Saturday and staying until next Tuesday.

My parents aren't fans of sitting around on vacation either, so we have a bunch of projects planned for around the house and I have the first half of next week off so we'll get lots done.


SkippyMom said...

That's awesome Chris. Your parents sound like fun. How excited are they about their newest grandchild's arrival? Big I bet :D

Have fun!

WiseGuy said...

Yay for family gatherings! Enjoy your time!