Sunday, August 16, 2009

OneSmarmyMama's Parenting 101 Advice

Becoming a parent for the first time can be more than a little overwhelming. What do I need to buy before the baby comes? What can I live without for a while? Money is a little tight, I don't want to end up buying a bunch of crap that I don't need, but what if there's something I'm missing that'll make life a million times easier? There are a million options when it comes to strollers and car seats, how do I know which is best for me? I want to minimize my impact on the planet, how can I do that while bringing another one into this world? Are cloth diapers worth the hassle for the savings?

Everyone likes to think they have it together, but secretly (or not), all first-time parents are a little nervous. Here are 4 amazing posts that I would (and do) recommend to all my friends that are having babies, or have recently had one.

Last month, my friend over at wrote a series of posts labeled, Parenting 101 about things you'll need to know (or will find quite handy) following the birth of your child. They are super informative and helpful, especially for first-time parents.

1. Car Seats: She gives a great rundown on the different types from travel systems up to booster seats. She gives pros and cons of each, as well as her opinions as a mom who has done this before.

2. What you NEED, What you DON'T need, and What you WANT: A very informative post on the various items you'll need when you have a baby.

3. Going Green (and staying green) with Baby: How to do your part while raising your child to minimize your impact. Great stuff for those that don't live much of a crunchy granola life, and those that do.

4. Cloth Diapering and SLEEPING!: All about cloth diapers, and how you will not be sleeping much once that little one comes. :)

1 comment:

C Lo said...


I'm speechless.