Tuesday, March 07, 2006

In Response

In response to the comments in the previous post...
Of course you can come see it! I move in on Friday. Everyone is invited to come check it out anytime after Sunday. Okay, I take possession on Friday, Saturday will be cleaning, and Sunday will be move in day. So anytime after that. Unless you feel like helping me clean or move.
As for your list of things to say, Irish Wristwatch was our favorite. I think I've actually written a post about it before. About how we used to try and get other students doing presentations to try and say it. Or how we'd trick the prof's into saying it. So much fun...
I'm so excited about moving! I hope they haven't left it in too much of a mess. I got all my gas/electricity/water/sewer hooked up, and let me tell you what a hassle THAT was. I get my internet hooked up Friday night, and am going to get Vongage (VoIP) for my phone, so we'll see how that works.
So much fun!
Oh, and I'm about 95% done packing!

1 comment:

h said...


If I lived there, I'd totally help you clean. Empty houses are so fun to clean.