Thursday, March 19, 2009

Twisted Christian Development

I'm working on developing the definition, the concept of what is "twisted christian." Is it a theology? An ideology? Is it a mindset, a thought-process, or maybe even an attitude? Where is the threshold? What makes a Christian, or a person for that matter, a twisted christian?

I have been given this label, and want to take ownership of it. But I think it is more than what Neil started. I'm more than a liberal Christian, with a dirty mouth and a love of weaponry. Is this label mine, or is it something in common that many of us share?

I want to grow and develop this concept and use it. I want to develop a site that is a forum for discussion. I want to write things that illicit response. A place to learn and grow, and to challenge others to learn and grow. I am by no means anywhere near that place now. But I am going to work on it. And I think I'm going to use as the first building block to make that happen. It will be a work in progress. It will change and grow as I do. I understand that it will take time, and I'm happy to give it.

Let's see where it goes.


C Lo said...

email me at so I can invite you to the viewership for my blog.

Dave said...

Hey Chris, what kind of responses do you want? Illicit, or do you just want to elicit them???


Your bro.

christopher said...

Ah, now I see where your little sister gets it from. :)