Friday, August 29, 2003

anti-semitic blast to a stripping mom

Jo: That poppy song that I like is by the same woman who does that song “You leave something to be desired,” I think. I could be wrong, but I heard it on the radio this morning and it sounded like the same artist.

I am going to be volunteering for Campus Safewalk at SAIT this year. I think it will be a good way to get out and meet people, and it should be fun. I am just going to be doing it one night a week. They are 3 or 6 hour shifts and I only have to actually be out walking for 1 hour in every 3, which leaves me lots of time to do homework, which I am getting a lot of already.

Two encounters with the homosexual community: Last night on the train home from my parents this gay boy winked at me as I was getting off, and as I was walking past the window he smiled at me. And contrary to what I had previously thought, I didn't run away in horror. I just smiled and thought it was cute (is cute the right word? I don't know, but it shouldn't be taken the wrong way). The other day as I was helping Chris move out of the apartment, Chris ran to catch the elevator as it was closing and bust in on a make-out session. It was these two older guys. It was so funny. I hadn’t quite reached the elevator yet, and as I herd Chris say sorry, I kinda guessed what he had walked in on. The smaller guy kept apologizing.

I was listening to my buddy Jim Rome this morning, reverting to clone, and I found out that Willy from KC was blasted. See Willy from KC is a Class “A” caller. He has been a regular caller for a few years now, and usually has a song. They are parodies that make fun of other clones or callers, or the current sports topics. The callers that respond to him seem to be split 50-50 on him. So anyway, Willy calls in yesterday, and in the course of his call lets an anti-Semitic blast go. It was so stupid. Of course, he was rung, and he is now banned from calling the show for life. I can’t believe he pulled something like that. Why? He was such an awesome caller. He just threw it all out the window because of one dumb blast.

There is this mother in the states, who decided it would be fun to strip at her son’s birthday party. She took her son and his friends to the go-cart track and upon arrival, found that the place was rather busy and they would have to wait (the norm). She didn’t want to disappoint the boys by making them wait in line, so she put them back in the car and drove to a cheap motel. She purchased some beer for the boys, and took them up to a room she rented. On arrival in the room, she gave each of the boys a wad of cash and started stripping. She told the boys to stuff the money into her bra and panties. As the “show” goes on, she gets the boys to spank her… Only in Arkansas.

Mr. Chris has now officially moved out of our place, and tomorrow I will move all of my stuff. 8.5 months in this place and I won’t miss it at all. I will miss the freedom of living on my own, but I keep thinking about all the money that I am going to be saving and it makes it much easier to accept.

Well I am off to work. My first day back at the Salon. The ladies don’t know I am starting yet, so it should be rather amusing.

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