Friday, August 22, 2003

stuff and . . .

Yay my internet is working for a spell. How long, I haven't a clue.

Orientation is today. I am a little nervous about all the new people. How should I act, what should I wear, try not to look like a geek just because I am doing computers. This is worse than high school.

My birthday is tomorrow. Big 21. Yes, young, I know.

My apartment is in total disarray. Half-filled boxes over here, piles of stuff over there. Things I don't know where to put, though everything has to end up in a box so I may as well just start dumping it in. I am moving most of my stuff on Sun, and the other half next week.

School starts Mon. (See paragraph farther up)

I have enough money from this summer to cover my entire first semester tuition. I didn't think I would. This means I get to keep my student loan for next semester as I have nothing for that semester.

Phil Collins is wonderful.

And VERY exciting... Buddy Wasisname and the other fellers are coming to town. I have to go. I don't know anyone else that understands newfie accents though. Hopefully my dad will want to come. Tickets are only $25.00. Anyone want to come? Guarenteed to be lots of fun, well, if you understand newfie humor, as well as their accent. Anyway, I am excited to say the least.

Tickets for Shania go on sale this morning. I am trying to figure out if I should/can go.

Same Date...10:02 a.m.


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