Monday, August 25, 2003

first day of school

Well I just finished my first day of school. It was actually alright.

Technical Writing will be a fun class. It shouldn't be too hard, and the prof is fun. She has 3 undergrad degrees and a masters.

I am not sure about Math just yet. The prof is a bit of a bitch, but I think she was just being a hardass for the first class to show us that she means business, but I think she will end up being okay. She is willing to help us outside of class, whenever we need it.

Electric Circuit Analysis will be fun. The lab aspect anyway. The prof is really cool. I have him for both the lab and the lecture. I think the theory aspect will be hard, but I will work my butt off and do well. He is this old guy who doesn't like marking things. He only gives out assignments as bonus projects, and asked us not to do them, so he doesn't have to mark them. Though if we do them, he will mark them. He is a cool old guy.

The guys in my class seem like they will be half-decent. Some of them are going to drive me nuts, but I will just ignore them and go on.

I went and suprised Mama Beanfor lunch today. I have 2 hour lunch breaks on Mon. It was nice to see her.

Well, day #2 tomorrow.

It is nice that I don't have to come home and take a shower though. I am enjoying that aspect.

I have moved most of my stuff home, and I will finish moving things this weekend. Then I will officially be moved into my parents.

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