Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Christmas Time is Here!

Yesterday was December 1st, and I woke up to the sounds of Christmas music on the radio. What a perfect start to the Christmas season!

I love Christmas. It is my favorite time of year. I know lots of people love Christmas, and I'm just one of them, but that's quite alright with me. It's my favorite season. I think it's because it is this super happy time AND there is snow on the ground. Christmas in Calgary was always lacking, and I think it was because of the brown grass everywhere. I think there was 1 white Christmas in the past 8 that I have spent in Calgary. That's not Christmas. Christmas' are supposed to be white. And that's what we get here in Winnipeg. There will never be a brown Christmas in Winnipeg (or there better not be in my life time). We've had snow since the first week of November, and it should be here until Aprilish. Yay Winter!

Mama Bean and I aren't doing presents this year. With the move and buying the house and starting her own practice, we are going to pass on the tradition of presents this year. I'm not terribly broken up over it, because while I love presents, they aren't essential. It is a bigger sacrifice for Mama Bean since gifts are her love language. So yay my wife for making the sacrifice.

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