Sunday, December 28, 2008

Dino Jesus

This is for the folks from the Creationist....errr...Christian Research Institute who believe that man lived alongside the dinosaurs (they have an ad that runs regularly on the christian radio station here in town). Not that I think it really matters whether or not it's true, but I find it difficult to believe. Especially since it is followed with the argument that the Earth is only 4000 years old, and that God invented carbon dating or that He placed the fossils in the earth when he created it, and any number of other arguments. It isn't an important part of my faith, so I tend not to dwell on it.

I want a t-shirt with this on it. I'm trying to think of a witty caption to go below it though.


Dave said...

soooo awesome, Chris! LOL

christopher said...

i enjoyed it. it's the background on my computer.
i don't have your email address dave, and I have a question for you. could you send it to me?
joandchris at live dot ca