Monday, April 07, 2003

Fun With Grapefruits

Have you ever pulled a grapefruit apart and eaten it? Like pulled the skin off, and then pulled off the protective layer that protects and holds in those little packets of wonderful goodness.

They are so amazing. They are these little pouches of juice, attached to one another. They look so fragile, yet they are quite resilient. you can pull them apart, from one another, and they try to cling to one another. They have this little clingy string that trys to hold on to the others, but they are no match for me.

I discovered this at work today. I eat a grapefruit everyday for coffee break, and it just facinates me. I spend the whole time admiring the complexity of it whilst eating it. I want to get a video camera, and tape it, or maybe I will just take pictures of it, but then I will need a new lense for my camera. I guess I will just have to enjoy it, and tell others about the joys they can have as well.

Mmm Mmm Good!

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