Sunday, April 20, 2003

Stupid Shower. Stupid Apartment

I come home last night and all I want to do is have a shower and go to sleep. I turn on the water for a shower, and only cold water comes out. Not even a hint of warmth. No lukewarmness, nothing. So I went to bed, after washing my face with cold water (which really sucks).

I get up this morning, go to have a shower, and the water is still cold. At least this morning it is kinda warmish. It doesn't have that just-cold-water feel. So I let it run for the time it took me to iron my shirt for church. I go back and check it when I am done, still cool. It is still running, hopefully heating up, or bringing up hot water. If not, I am going to have a cold shower which is totally going to ruin my morning...Grrrr.

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